Day 1 (14/062023)

Today was the first day of my school internship phase 2 . We reached the school at 8:45 am ,we already collected timetable from the school on 07-06-2023. The class alloted to me was 8I1 and 9 E1 .My concern techers were Blessy teacher and Jyothi teacher. A total of 29 Student teachers  were alloted to our school St Mary's HSS Pattom .Our leaders were Riya J Johnson (physical science ), Anju Mariam Aji ( Mathematics). 

I stepped into the school with lots of expectations and excitement for being the chemistry and physics teacher for 8 I1 and 9 E1 for the comming two months.

Today we meet the principal and they welcomed us and give some general instructions later i meet my concern teacher. 

we also engaged in preparing duty list and consolidate time table. Then we leave the college by 4 :30 pm.



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